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Fees Structure

Fees Structure

The details of Tuition Fee and other fees; payable in Indian Rupees, for the entire course duration of 5½ years are as follows:-
State Quota Seats

Fee Head Amount
Tuition Fees (per annum) Rs 5,50,000/-(Five Lakhs fifty thousand only)
Caution Money (Once & refundable) 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand only)
Hostel Fees for AC Hostel (per annum)(Compulsory) Rs 75,000/-(Seventy Five Thousand only)+ Mess Charges Extra

Management Quota Seats

Fee Head Amount
Tuition Fees (per annum) Rs 6,00,000/-(Six Lakhs only)
Caution Money (Once & refundable) 50,000/-(Fifty Thousand only)
Hostel Fees for AC Hostel (per annum)(Compulsory) Rs 75,000/-(Seventy Five Thousand only)+ Mess Charges Extra

In addition, Registration Fee and University Examination Fee shall be paid as prescribed by the RAJUVAS from time to time.
1. All the above fees should be paid at the time of Registration.
2. If a student discountinues the course, he/she shall be refunded the Caution Money Deposity only.
3. Hostel is compulsory to all admitted students, except local students from Dungarpur.
4. Rates of all fee are subject to revision and candidates are required to pay such fee as prescribed from time to time.


On camus separate Hostel accommodation are available for boys and girls.

Students interested in allotment of room in hostel may apply on prescribed form along with an assurance from the parents of guardian for the good conduct and behaviour of their ward during his/her stay in the hostel. Allotment of the room in hostel will be made by the Warden on approval of the Dean of the College.